On Fri, 07 Nov 2008, Gene Kwiecinski wrote:

> >>Not to harp on it again, but the more or less standardised keychords
> can
> >>also be used:
> >>    cut     ^X      ctl-del
> >IMO cut = ctrl-del is less standardised, at least OOo calc, gnumeric
> >use shift-del instead of ctrl-del.  Can you list some apps that use
> >ctrl-del as cut?
> Frankly, I can't list one (that I use regularly) that *doesn't*.  In all
> the apps I encountered and recall, shf-del means to *really* *really*
> delete, ie, no undo, no "recycle-bin" nonsense, etc.
> Fwiw, I have no idea what's a "OOo calc", so can't say.

IIRC OOo is openoffice's official short form. I'm still interested to
know the name of some apps that use ctrl-del as cut.

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