Good call! Wasn't thinking it through that much when i wrote it...

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 4:07 AM, Ben Schmidt

> Chris Suter wrote:
> > you could modify it to the following to return to the normal command
> > mode (although cmdwin mode is quite nice, imo, once you're accustomed to
> > it):
> >
> > :cmap %/ ^R%^F$F/lDyy:q^M:^R"
> >
> > this does a deletion ("D") to the end of the line, yanks the contents of
> > the line, exits the cmdwin, re-enters normal command mode, and puts the
> > contents of the default register.
> Obviously be aware that this will clobber your default register, as well
> as register 0, which in my mind is a bad thing. One good reason for
> opening a new file is to copy something into it that you just yanked.
> Losing that thing while you're opening the file could be an
> inconvenience.
> Smiles,
> Ben.
> >

Christopher Suter

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