On 19/11/08 09:30, StarWing wrote:
> yes, thank you it IS make_ming.mak, my mistake.
> if i make a Vim in cygwin, can i use it out of cygwin? i.e, in a Cmd
> window neither a bash terminal
> i think i can't make a Win32-GUI for vim in cygwin, for it hasn't the
> library for windows, and i don't
> know how to cross-compiling.....

Well, you can use Cygwin to compile a "native-Windows" Vim (even with 
GUI) which won't need the Cygwin DLL at runtime, by using the 
make_cyg.mak (see 
http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compile.htm for details). 
Of course it won't use configure or the src/Makefile either.

OTOH, you can run any "cygwin" program from cmd.exe if your cygin1.dll 
is in the PATH, but beware that of course none of the preprocessing 
stuff that cygwin does at bash startup (such as translating the PATH and 
adding /bin at the start) will be done for you. Also, if you want to 
give a path/file name on the vim-for-cygwin command-line, it will have 
to be a POSIX path in Cygwin format, not a Dos-like path. And any GUI 
made by means of configure and src/Makefile will be an X11 GUI 
(displaying through X11-for-Cygwin), not a native-Windows GUI. 
Sincerely, I don't think it's worth the trouble to try running 
Vim-for-cygwin from cmd.exe. What I recommend is to run Vim-for-Windows 
(possibly compiled using Cygwin gcc) from cmd.exe, a Windows desktop 
icon or the Start menu's "Execute" prompt, and/or Console-Vim-for-Cygwin 
from Cygwin bash.

> i have read make_ming.mak front to end, and can't find something about
> debug, such as sun workshop or wsdebug.
> i have tried to add clewn support in Vim... so i'm begining to
> research the makefile format..
> just a question, how compiler know which folder the file in? how can i
> control make enter a folder and leave one?

On any version of make, if you don't specify a directory, the current 
directory will be used. IOW, if you cd to the directory where you want 
make to work, that will do it. Since make_ming.mak and make_cyg.mak are 
in the src/ directory, you can cd to there before starting make.

In some versions of make such as the GNU make I have on SuSE Linux, a -C 
<directoryname> command-line switch will cause make to cd to 
<directoryname> before it even looks for the makefile. So for instance 
on Linux, where I run make in the top vim72 directory, I may use the 
following make commands:

        make 2>&1 | tee make.log
        make -C src installruntime 2>&1 | tee instrt.log

because the top-level Makefile doesn't define the installruntime target, 
so I need to use src/Makefile instead.

Of course, once make has started and is "running" the makefile, you can 
use a cd command (preceded by a hard tab) as part of the rules to build 
a given target, just like you can use any other command. But all the Vim 
source files are either in the src directory (where src/Makefile, 
src/Make_ming.mak and src/Make_cyg.mak are also to be found) or in its 
"auto" subdirectory, so the input filenames passed to gcc need only be 
things like buffer.c (with no pathname since it is in the current "src" 
directory), auto/pathdef.c, etc.

Best regards,
"There are two ways of disliking poetry; one way is to dislike it, the
other is to read Pope."
                -- Oscar Wilde

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