On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Mr. Shawn H. Corey wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 13:42 -0800, Dan Heller wrote:
>> I just want to turn it off -- that's entirely different.
>> Now, it just so happens that my terminal emulation doesn't "jump" the
>> cursor, or anything. It merely places TWO blocks at the start and end
>> of the
>> matching brackets. See the attached screenshot.
>> But, all of that is irrelevant. I just want it off.

Not irrelevant at all, since the screenshot shows that you weren't
talking about 'showmatch' at all, but the 'matchparen' plugin...

> showmatch jumps the cursor.  I think you're talking about a plugin call
> pi_paren.txt  (see :help pi_paren )  To turn it off
> :NoMatchParen
> To turn it back on
> :DoMatchParen

See :help matchparen - which tells you that to disable the plugin
completely, you can use the (unintuitive, I know) command

let loaded_matchparen = 1

in your ~/.vimrc


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