On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 6:58 AM, Steve Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've tried to find what's causing this and can't.
> Currently, I'm working on an HTML doc and say for example, the cursor is
> on a line that has only a </p> tag on it. I position the cursor to the
> end of the line and press ENTER to go to the next line to begin the next
> paragraph BUT... when I do, the preceding </p> tag indents itself 1 tab
> space to the right. If I've got lots of paragraphs to add, eventually,
> the width of the paragraphs gets narrower and narrower because they all
> want to indent when I press ENTER after them.
> How do I stop them from indenting when I press enter to go to the next
> new line?

I'm not sure why vim thinks your </p> tag needs to be indented one
more level, but the fact that it does it when you hit ENTER could be
caused by the value of either 'cinkeys' or 'indentkeys'.  If either of
those options have an "o" in them, vim indents the current line when
you hit ENTER.

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