kosta...@gmail.com wrote:
> On 13 дек, 04:47, Ben Schmidt <mail_ben_schm...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>> Spot on. I didn't intend to click the links, but now that you've got
>> some of the content out in the open, perhaps I can help.
>> Perhaps try getting the GNU regex package for Windows from here:
>> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435&package_id...
> I've got libgnurx-0.dll from there.
> But I don't know how to use it with ctags.
> Does somebody know how to configure ctags for it?

I think it's easier to get the dev package and use the static library
libregex.a which is included there. The dev package also includes the
header file regex.h which you'll almost certainly need.

I couldn't get ctags' ./configure to behave itself, so I got it to
compile like this:

     - put libregex.a and regex.h in the ctags' source directory
     - ./configure
     - edit config.h as follows:
         - remove #define REGCOMP_BROKEN 1
         - remove #define CHECK_REGCOMP 1
         - change /* #undef HAVE_REGCOMP */ into #define HAVE_REGCOMP 1
     - edit Makefile as follows:
         - change LIBS = into LIBS = -lregex
     - make

That said, although I can compile it, I can't run it, as I don't have a
Windows machine handy right now.

It may need libgnurx at runtime, but I don't think so. If it does, just
make sure it's in the same directory as ctags.exe when you run it and
you should be fine.

I suppose all the binaries in the dev and bin packages are for use with
MinGW GCC. I'm not sure if they'd work with MSVC (depends whether and
how they link with the C standard library and runtime), but they may
well. You'd have to modify ctags' mk_mvc.mak so it has EXTRA_LIBS =
libregex.a and it should work, I think. But I'm not able to even try
compiling that, for obvious reasons. If for some reason the
MinGW-compiled regex library isn't compatible with MSVC you'd have to
get the regex src package and build it yourself--or download MinGW GCC
and build ctags using that, which is what I would do!

Anyway...it shouldn't be too hard. The main thing is that the compiler
needs to be able to find regex.h, the HAVE_REGCOMP macro needs to be set
while compiling the source, and libregex.a needs to be linked in. And
the binaries need to be compatible with each other--but I think that
part should be OK

If you need more help, write back with more specifics about what
compiler you're using, what error messages you get, etc.. If all else
fails, I can always cross-compile a binary for you to try; I've just
done it anyway to test it out, though not with ctags from VC so it won't
have David's newly-checked-in LaTeX module.


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