On 12/01/09 15:50, Nicolas Aggelidis wrote:
> thank you all, you 've been really helpfull!
> now i do things like this:
> if !has("gui_running")
>       colorscheme developer
> endif
> if has("gui_running")
>       colorscheme desert
> endif

        if has('gui_running'
                colorscheme desert
                colorscheme developer

> also i use bash-IDE script(in linux and bsd), i do something like this:
> set sh=/bin/bash
> if (g:freebsd == 1)
>       set sh=/usr/local/bin/bash
> endif

isn't your $SHELL environment variable set properly? Vim ought to set 
your 'shell' setting correctly by default.

> where g:freebsd is a variable that i declared...
> but i still have one question:
> I want by default to use ttf-inconsolata fonts but if i haven't
> installed them on a system i want to go back on monospace.
> is there any way to do this within the vimrc?
> set guifont=monospace\ 14
> if has(...)
> set guifont=Inconsolata\ 14
> endif
> in other is it possible to check for the existence of a font from within vim?

        if has('gui_gtk2')
                set gfn=Inconsolata\ 14,monospace\ 14

A comma-separated list can be used, the first (leftmost) one found will 
be used. Note that if you use the same vimrc in several versions of gvim 
you might have to set the 'guifont' to one of five incompatible versions 
depending on GUI flavour: see 

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The best cure for insomnia is to get a  lot of sleep.
                -- W. C. Fields

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