> Speaking of VIM patterns, it seems vim doesn't support conditional
> expression patterns, only in perl.
> Anyone has any tip/workaround for that fro vim regexp?

I'm not sure what "conditional expression patterns" are in Perl. 
  For more convoluted regexp logic, you'll find Dr. Chip's 
"LogiPat" plugin (http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/ for 
the .vim script) a good first-stop.  You may also want to read at

   :help /\...@=
   :he /\...@!
   :he /\@<=
   :he /\@<!

for some of the operators it looks like you're reaching for.  The 
first one references "Matches the preceding atom with zero width. 
Like "(?=pattern)" in Perl."  which is about as close as I can 
get you. :)


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