Now, what if I want to do the reverse, tranforming this:

a.anything {

onto this:

a.anything {color:#eee;display:block;width:300px;}


All the best,

On 21 fev, 15:04, Tim Chase <> wrote:
> > I guess the title is pretty much self-explanatory.
> > But I'll give an example of what I want. Assume I have this line:
> > a.anything {color:#eee;display:block;width:300px;}
> > So, I want to split this above line into this:
> > a.anything {
> >   color:#eee;
> >   display:block;
> >   width:300px;
> > }
> > So, what is the best way of doing that?
> > Using regexp + substitution?
> Well, my first pass:
>    :%s/\([{;]\)\s*/\1\r /g
> does a pretty simple version of what you describe.  It's pretty
> dumb, so there are some caveats:
> 1) it indents the closing "}" as well...a 2nd post-processing
> pass could clean this up:
>   :%s/^\s*}\s*$
> 2) if for some reason you have a "{" or a ";" in a *value*
> instead of as a token, it will get treated the same way:
>{font-name:"colon;brace{ malformed font-name";}
> (highly unlikely, but at least possible)
> 3) if more than one CSS declaration is on the same line:
> you won't get a break after the "}".  Though you can add this to
> the set of characters if you want to force a line-break after
> them too:
>    :%s/\([{};]\)\s*/\1\r /g
> 4) if your trailing CSS element has no semicolon, the closing
> brace ("}") won't get moved to the next line:
> I don't remember off the top of my head whether CSS requires
> trailing semicolons, but I seem to recall browsers being somewhat
> gracious regarding the omission.
> However, one of the above expressions should get you fairly close
> to what you want.
> -tim
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