I only use marks for important parts of the file to which I have to go
to very often. This mappings are a kind of temporally marks to use
when I just want to take a peek further down (or up) the screen.

But someone who doesn't uses marks, the ma/'a stuff will do fine also.

Filipe Teixeira

On 23 Fev, 11:50, "A. S. Budden" <abud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/2/23 Filipe <filipe.teixeir...@gmail.com>:
> > I use a kind of bookmark. These lines are from my vimrc file:
> >  nmap \s <Esc>:let cp=getpos(".")<C-CR>:echo cp<C-CR><Esc> "Saves the
> > cursor's position
> >  nmap \g <Esc>:call setpos('.',cp)<C-CR><Esc> "Set's the cursor back
> > to the saved location
> > You must save the position before scrolling. I hope that his will do
> > the trick for you.
> Just out of interest, how is this different to using marks?
> ma
> `a
> :help mark
> :help `a
> Al
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