eliweiqiang wrote:
> On 2月23日, 下午7时25分, Filipe <filipe.teixeir...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I use a kind of bookmark. These lines are from my vimrc file:
>>  nmap \s <Esc>:let cp=getpos(".")<C-CR>:echo cp<C-CR><Esc> "Saves the
>> cursor's position
>>  nmap \g <Esc>:call setpos('.',cp)<C-CR><Esc> "Set's the cursor back
>> to the saved location
>> You must save the position before scrolling. I hope that his will do
>> the trick for you.
>> Regards,
>> Filipe Teixeira
> I have a new idea, I want the gVim can save the cursor's position when
> the "current line" changed automatically while I am using the mouse to
> scroll .
> So what shall I write in the vimrc

You could probably write some sort of a function that will make a mark
if the <MouseDown> "key" is pressed. Some untested code:

let s:savedpos = 0
function! <sid>HandleMouseMove(direction)
" If we have already saved a position, don't do it again
if s:savedpos != 0
let savepos = 0
" Detect if we're about to scroll out of the viewport
if a:direction == "down"
if line(".") == line("w0")
let savepos = 1
elseif a:direction == "up"
if line(".") == line("w$")
let savepos = 1
if savepos == 1
let s:savedpos = line(".")

function! <sid>ReturnCursorPos()
if s:savedpos != 0
execute "normal " . s:savedpos . "gg"
let s:savedpos = 0

noremap <silent> <MouseUp> :call<sid>HandleMouseMove("up")<cr><MouseUp>
noremap <silent> <MouseDown> :call<sid>HandleMouseMove("up")<cr><MouseDown>
noremap <silent> <F10> :call<sid>ReturnCursorPos()<cr>

Note: this should only work on an X11 GUI. For xterm, refer to
:help xterm-mouse-wheel
for configuration. On Win32 (as I am at the moment, thus the "untested"
bit), unfortunately you'll have to find another way.


[ Albie Janse van Rensburg ~ http://morph.telspace.co.za ]

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