* Brett Stahlman <brettstahl...@comcast.net> [04.04.2009 22:32]:
> > > Thanks,
> > I don't know if it's the way my terminals are set up, or maybe I need to
> > compile vim with some extra optioni (latest stable with ruby support),
> > but I get this when I do
> > :MakeTestPage
> >
> > http://michaelmaurer.net/images/gnometerminal.pnghttp://michaelmaurer.net/images/xterm.png
> >
> > I put this in my .vimrc
> >
> > set t_Co=256
> > set term=gnome-256color
> >
> > but get no change (I dl'd the ncurses-term package you specified) .
> Mike,
> Thanks for the screenshots. What colorscheme are you using? It
> shouldn't matter in the GUI, but for a cterm, if the colorscheme
> doesn't set the background color of the Normal group, Txtfmt has to
> rely upon the Ignore group to hide the tokens. The Ignore group is one
> of the Vim default groups, whose purpose is to conceal tokens;
> however, some colorschemes define this group in such a way that tokens
> are not hidden. This is described more fully in the Txtfmt help.
> (:help txtfmt-cterm-ignore-issue) You can check to see whether your
> colorscheme hides text in the Ignore group by doing...
> :hi Ignore
> ...and checking to see whether the "xxx" is visible. Is Ignore text
> visible to you?
> Thanks,
> Brett S.

I tried :hi Ignore but got no results, :hi Ignore ctermfg=black did the


But when you look at the gnome-terminal screenshot, you can still see the
fine lines of the chinese (?) characters inside the colored space.
Another problem is the fact that italic text doesn't get displayed. I've
tried switching fonts, but Monospace should be able to display this
anyway. rxvt-unicode displays everything alright, but gnome-terminal
should support unicode.. argh. 

- Mike

"How I helped build the bomb that blew up Wall Street."

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