> As an aside, in most word-processors, you should be able to
> select by holding down <shift> while using motion keys (arrows,
> control+arrows, home, end, pgup/pgdn, etc).  You can then use
> control+B to get bold, control+I to get italics.  Colors, not
> usually as readily available.  But that's 2/3 of a solution. :)

It can be the whole solution if the OP uses Open Office styles. He
sets all code as style "Code" then sets style "Code" as colour red.

> However, your markup can be as simple as
>   <code>
>   here's some code
>   </code>
>   @42@
> which you can then post-process to HTML (bound in a
> script/keystroke to save your sanity)
>   :%s/@\(\d\+\)@/<span class='page'>\1<\/span>/g

Wouldn't this be easier:
<dive style="code">
here's some code

And then a CSS rule for code.

Dotan Cohen


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