On 12/07/09 19:24, Andy Wokula wrote:
> darinpeterson schrieb:
>> In the past I have used the search commands:
>> "[[" to jump to the top of a file and
>> "]]" to jump to the bottom of the file.
>> The behavior when I type the search strings quickly is "E486 Pattern
>> not found:..."  When I type the string SLOWLY it appears to work as it
>> has in the past.
>> Has anyone else experienced this problem, and is there a known fix?
> It is normal that filetype plugins remap these keys.  You can check what
>      :verb map ]]
> tells you, for example (here on a file with ft=vim):
> v  ]]          *...@m':<C-U>exe "normal! gv"|call 
> search('^\s*fu\%[nction]\>', "W")<CR>
>          Last set from [...]\vim\vim71\ftplugin\vim.vim
> n  ]]          *...@m':call search('^\s*fu\%[nction]\>', "W")<CR>
>          Last set from [...]\vim\vim71\ftplugin\vim.vim

To go to the top of a file (any file) use gg or 1G or :1<Enter>
To go to the bottom, use G or :$<Enter>

]] and [[ are supposed to go forward/backward to the start of a section 
(or, if not remapped, to a { in column 1).

If you type more slowly than 'timeoutlen' (q.v.) the mappings time out 
and you get the default behaviour again.

Best regards,
"His mind is like a steel trap -- full of mice"
                -- Foghorn Leghorn

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