
I use a simple ftplugin for *.txt: set expandtab.
I apply the settings via .vimrc's autocommand like this:

" default: disable expandtab
set noet

" file type specific settions:
au BufNewFile,BufRead,BufWinEnter *.txt set filetype=txt

The problem: When I do "vim test.txt" directly all my *.txt filetype
settings are applied.
However, loading it via a session file, the settings are NOT applied
("set expandtab" is not set).

I checked the session file and found out that commenting out the
following lines
brings back the wanted behaviour:

if expand('%') == '' && !&modified && line('$') <= 1 && getline(1) ==
  let s:wipebuf = bufnr('%')

if exists('s:wipebuf')
  silent exe 'bwipe ' . s:wipebuf
unlet! s:wipebuf

I neither have an idea what these lines are good for nor can I change
since these lines are auto-generated upon each session file re-write
-- what can I do?

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