On Sep 29, 10:38 am, David Fishburn <dfishburn....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:17 AM, Mariano Mara <mariano.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I created a new database today in my local copy of pgsql and added it
> > to my .vimrc
> > let g:dbext_default_profile_Otrs =
> > 'type=PGSQL:user=mariano:passwd=mybigpasswd:host=localhost:dbname=otrs'
> > This is not the first connection to pgsql I use withdbextbut it's
> > the first one that keeps asking me to enter my db password everytime I
> > try to run a query. If I use psql I can connect directly without
> > password: however I cannot do the same indbext. Probably it's
> > something I set when I created the db but I would appreciate if
> > somebody can help me with it.
> > I'm usingdbext11.01 in Ubuntu JJ and connecting with psql 8.3.8
> Can you do the following:
> 1.  Open up the buffer and attempt to run a query.
> 2.  Run :DBGetOpton, then cut and paste the output provided.
> 3.  Run :DBSetOption display_cmd_line=1, then re-run your query and
> paste the full output.
> That should get us started.
> Dave

Hi Dave, thanks for your support.
As requested here is the full output of both commands:


I used a pastey to save everyone more than 200 lines of settings. In
case a solution can be found (I really hope so) I will add to this
thread the meaningful data for completeness.


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