On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 9:07 PM, Mariano Mara <mariano.m...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Dave, thanks for your support.
> As requested here is the full output of both commands:
> http://vim.pastey.net/125871
> http://vim.pastey.net/125872
> I used a pastey to save everyone more than 200 lines of settings. In
> case a solution can be found (I really hope so) I will add to this
> thread the meaningful data for completeness.
> Mariano.
Probably, that's just a minor bug in a function "DB_PGSQL_execSql" - it
constructs command to be executed as

let cmd = dbext_bin .  ' ' .
                \ s:DB_option('', dbext#DB_getWType("cmd_options"), ' ') .
                \ s:DB_option('-d ', s:DB_get("dbname"), ' ') .
                \ s:DB_option('-U ', s:DB_get("user"), ' ') .
                \ s:DB_option('-h ', s:DB_get("host"), ' ') .
                \ s:DB_option('-p ', s:DB_get("port"), ' ') .
                \ s:DB_option(' ', s:DB_get("extra"), '') .
                \ ' -q -f ' . s:dbext_tempfile

In comparison to smilar DB_MYSQL_execSql or DB_SQLSRV_execSql, there is no
reference to a 'passwd' option.

If that's it, you can try to patch it - add something like

          \ s:DB_option('--password', s:DB_get("passwd"), ' ') .

to the code above (I'm not good with psql, so used "--password").


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