Alessandro Antonello 写道:
> Hi, All.
> I gladly appreciate the enthusiastic discussion about ASCII, UTF-8, BOM, etc.
> But I still have a question. What is the better way to configure VIM to
> recognize some kind of file encodings? Counting that I use Latin1 one on day
> bases but, sometimes, I need to work with UTF-8 or UTF-16le.

It is possible to use utf-8 as the default encoding while detect others 
by 'fencs', otherwise, it is difficult.

Reason: almost all characters are valid in Latin1 so almost all utf-8 
files are valid Latin1 files. If your default encoding is latin1 then 
you lose the auto detection feature.

My solution: use utf-8 by default, if you create a new file with 
non-ASCII characters and want to save it in latin1, you set fenc=latin1 
before save the file.

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