> Shouldn't new file be saved using encoding according to fenc ?

The problem is that if you read a file that doesn't contain any non-
characters, vim assumes it's utf8 encoded. If you then insert
international characters and miss to set fenc, you end up with an
utf8 encoded file.

> > IMHO it would be nice to have an uft-8-guess pseudo encoding that sets
> > fenc to utf8 if a file includes any special utf8 character.
> Isn't this the purpose of fencs ?

But it doesn't work in the situation in question which is what this
thread is all about. The suggested utf8-guess pseudo encoding would
similar to the bomb pseudo encoding but wouldn't simple look at the
first character but scan the whole buffer.

If you know a way to achieve this from an autocommand, please tell me
that would have been my original question anyway.

BTW other editors like jedit have no problems handling this situation
properly. Telling people to use utf8 as default encoding isn't that
helpful either although I'll keep it in mind.

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