On 09/10/09 15:45, Steven Woody wrote:
> Hi,
> The colors I set in after/plugin/mycolor.vim can not be kept every time
> when I load (:so) a  previously saved session file. How to overcome this?
> Thanks.

To set colours more robustly, set them in a colorscheme. However, it is 
*not* possible to tweak an existing colorscheme by adding 
"after-commands" in a script in an |after-directory|, you have to write 
a full-fledged colorscheme (possibly by modifying an existing one), give 
it a new name and place it in the colors/ subdirectory of a directory 
named early in 'runtimepath' (e.g. $VIM/vimfiles/colors/ if you want to 
make it available to all users on your machine -- and have the 
permissions for it).

My "almost-default" colorscheme 
http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/almost-default.vim started 
out as a "slight" modification of the default colorscheme: I notice that 
it has grown quite a lot since then. Use it as a source of inspiration 
if you want; you'll probably not use it "as-is" since some of the 
colours it sets (such as User1 and User2) are used by settings elsewhere 
(in this case, in the custom tabline defined by my vimrc 
http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/.vimrc ).

See ":help :colorscheme".

Best regards,
"Apathy is not the problem, it's the solution"

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