On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Paul wrote:
> Hi, I'm wondering if this is even possible:
> I want to ssh to a remote server, open vim, split a file, and drag the split
> separator around with the mouse. More importantly, I want to use the "*
> register, so I can select text with the keyboard and put it into my local X
> buffer (to paste with shift-insert). None of this currently works for me.
> X11 forwarding is working - xclock on the remote server displays on my local
> screen.
> The terminal window title does change when I edit different files.
> I have compiled GUI support into the remote vim -

You seem to be having two separate issues.  As far as getting the
mouse working, the only requirements are that a) your terminal
emulator supports sending mouse clicks to applications, b) you have
+mouse compiled into your vim (you do), and c) that the 'mouse' and
'ttymouse' options are set up to allow it.  Try :set mouse=a if you
haven't already, that might be all that's needed.  Otherwise, we'll
need more info.

Your other issue is talking to the X server.  If x forwarding is
working properly, this should just work.  If you launch terminal vim
on the remote, and then use the :gui command, does the Vim window "pop
out" into a new GVim window?  That would be a good way to make sure
that vim can talk to the x server.  Another quick way would be to copy
some text to the clipboard on the local machine, and then check with
:reg if it shows up in the * or + registers on the remote machine.
After telling us the results of those tests, we'll probably be in a
much better position to help.

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