OK Gary,

 :verbose set backup?

:h verbose set backup
E149 Sorry, no help for verbose set backup

What does verbose set backup do?


 1: /usr/share/vim/vimrc
  2: /usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/syntax.vim
  3: /usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/synload.vim
  4: /usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/syncolor.vim
  5: /usr/share/vim/vim72/filetype.vim
  6: /usr/share/vim/vim72/ftplugin.vim
  7: /usr/share/vim/vim72/indent.vim
  8: /home/peter/.vimrc
  9: /usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/nosyntax.vim
 10: /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim
 11: /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/gzip.vim
 12: /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/matchparen.vim
 13: /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
 14: /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/rrhelper.vim
 15: /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/spellfile.vim
 16: /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/tarPlugin.vim
 17: /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/tohtml.vim
 18: /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim
 19: /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/zipPlugin.vim
 20: /usr/share/vim/vim72/scripts.vim
 21: /usr/share/vim/vim72/ftplugin/help.vim
 22: /usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/help.vim

as #8 we see that .vimrc file is sourced.

If this makes any difference. I have aliased vim = gvim -v in
my .bashrc file.

On 20 Jan, 06:27, Gary Johnson <garyj...@spocom.com> wrote:
> On 2010-01-19, Peter Berntsen wrote:
> > Running 7.2.245 under Slackware Linux 13.0 and I have noticed that
> > my .vimrc file doesn't seem to be read. For example to not keep a
> > backup file I comment out the code for that in the vimrc file like
> > this.
> > "if has("vms")
> > "  set nobackup         " do not keep a backup file, use versions
> > instead
> > "else
> > "  set backup           " keep a backup file
> > "endif
> > this only works when it is done in the /usr/share/vimrc file and not
> > if it is done in the ~/.vimrc file.
> > Is there something I have overlooked or is this a bug in version
> > 7.2.245?
> I'm not aware of any such bug in any version of vim 7.2.  One thing
> you might try to find the source of the problem is to execute
>     :verbose set backup?
> to see where 'backup' was last set.  Another is to execute
>     :scriptnames
> which will show you all the files that have been sourced.
> Regards,
> Gary
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