Am 21.01.2010 19:47, schrieb Foss User:
I usually work with many tabs and buffers. I don't find an easy way to
switch between them. Ideally I would want something similar to
Firefox's awesome bar, where I start typing a portion of the filename
and vim shows up the buffers/tabs with matching filenames and then I
can easily switch to it. Is there anything like that in vim or any vim
plugin which can do that?

It's all builtin:

:set swb=usetab
:tab sb {part-of-bufname}

Press <C-D> to list matching buffers.
Press <Tab> to complete file names.

Finally, <Enter> will either take you to an existing tab page for a buffer
or create a new tab page.

You can map a key to ":tab sb<space>" to avoid typing it all the time.


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