* Christian Brabandt <cbli...@256bit.org> [100120 11:25]:
> On Wed, January 20, 2010 7:47 am, John Magolske wrote:
> > I'd like to list in the statusline the current buffer number and the
> > total number of open buffers. For example, if there are nine buffers
> > open and I'm viewing buffer number two, I'd like to see:
> >
> >   ~/somefilename.txt [2/9]
> >
> > I see that %n will place the current buffer number, but there doesn't
> > seem to be a corresponding statusline item for the total number of
> > buffers. How would I go about placing this value in the statusline?
> :let &stl.=' [%n/'.bufnr('$').']'

I tried something like this in my vimrc:

  set statusline=%F\ [%{bufnr('$')}]

But bufnr('$') only lists the highest existing buffer number, with
smaller-numbered buffers possibly removed by bwipeout...and I don't
want to include, for example, a buffer displaying a help page in the
count. Searching around some more, I found this solution [1]:

  set rulerformat=%22(%{g:zbuflistcount};%M%n\ %=%l,%c%V\ %P%)
  autocmd BufAdd * let g:zbuflistcount += 1
  autocmd BufDelete * let g:zbuflistcount -= 1
  autocmd VimEnter * call UpdateZBufLC()
  function UpdateZBufLC()
          let lst = range(1, bufnr('$'))
          call filter(lst, 'buflisted(v:val)')
          let g:zbuflistcount = len(lst)

Which seems to work fine. I decided against using the fractional count
& just put the total number in the statusline. I find it pretty handy
to be able to tell at a glance how many relevant buffers are open,
then use one of the many available tools [2] for navigating between
them (bufferlist.vim ended up working best for my needs).

[1] buffer list count

[2] http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Easier_buffer_switching



John Magolske

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