I have set up gvim as my Firefox text editor using the extension "It's
All Text" (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4125).

My MoinMoin wiki articles are prefixed with 
## vim:filetype=moin
and I have a syntax file for MoinMoin.

When I load an article into gvim, it fires up with the correct syntax
highlighting. But when I then change the colour scheme, the syntax
highlighting for MoinMoin tables is lost. I can change between colour
schemes as much as I like; syntax highlting for MoinMoin tables will
not come back.

It does not make a difference which colour scheme I define in .gvimrc
as a default. The problem occurs regardless.

The reason why I would like to change the colour scheme on the fly is
that the colours my default scheme (pyte) uses for MoinMoin tables are
completely unreadable.

Any ideas what is causing the problem?


Best Regards,
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz

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