On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 01:04:50 +0100
Andy Wokula <anw...@yahoo.de> wrote:

>>>>> Am 08.02.2010 20:51, schrieb Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz:
>>>> http://uploads.mitechie.com/configs/vim/vim/syntax/moin1_6.vim
>>>> This is what I am using.
>>>> ||||||||
>>>> || a || b || c ||
>>>> ||||||||
>>>> a,b,c are cell content, the bars are separators. The March version
>>>> displays separators and content in different colours.
>>> Buggy as well ...
>>> ----------------------------------
>>> if !exists("did_dic_syntax_inits")
>>>    let did_dic_syntax_inits = 1
>>>    hi link moinComment         Comment
>>>    hi link moinInlineComment   Comment
>>>    ...
>>> endif
>>> ----------------------------------
>>> Once  g:did_dic_syntax_inits  is defined, it won't ever
>>> be reset; the ":hi" commands get no chance to be executed again.
>>> Not sure if this "if" condition can be safely removed, but
>>> I'd give it a try (e.g. just comment it out).
>> Removed if/endif - makes no difference as far as my problem is
>> concerned.
>Ok.  The moin syntax file makes use of  "hi def" statements, which
>define explicit colors.  These color settings will be removed
>(:hi clear) when loading another color scheme, whereas color links
>(:hi link ...) are not affected.
>You can try to add the following code to your vimrc:
>au ColorScheme * call s:AfterColorScheme()
>func! s:AfterColorScheme()
>     hi moinBold       term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
>     hi moinItalic     ctermfg=darkcyan gui=italic
>     hi moinSettings   ctermfg=green guifg=green
>     hi moinPragma     ctermfg=darkred guifg=darkred
>     hi moinStrike     ctermfg=darkgray guifg=darkgray
>     hi moinTableMark  ctermfg=yellow guifg=yellow
>     hi moinTableOpt   ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=darkyellow
>     hi moinCode       ctermfg=cyan guifg=cyan
>     hi moinLink       ctermfg=red guifg=red
>     hi moinSmileys    ctermfg=yellow guifg=yellow

This code snippet fixes the problem. When I change vim colour scheme
MoinMoin table colouring is no longer lost.

Thank you for your  help!

Best Regards,
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz

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