> I'd be grateful for any hints or RTFM pointing to the right FM, because 
> I have no idea where to start.

I don't know details. I'd guess that the highlighting is implemented
somewhere in Vims C code. But I don't know for sure.

You can always write a script which creates two files you can diff then.

If you add file:line locations you can jump to the original source file
using gf fast. (Jump back by using ctrl-^). Maybe this is a bearable workaround.



goto: your.po:20
msgid ""
"The following disk access storage devices (DASD) are available. Please "
"select each device you want to use one at a time."
> msgid ""

goto: your.po:20
> "The following direct access storage devices (DASD) are available. Please "
> "select each device you want to use one at a time."

Then you can diff both tmp files.

It should be easy to create those tmp files using Vim script.

Marc Weber

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