Hi eliweiq001!

On Do, 19 Aug 2010, eliweiq001 wrote:

> On 8月19日, 下午7时11分, Christian Brabandt <cbli...@256bit.org> wrote:
> > fun! OpenLastModified(...)
> >     let path=(a:1 ? a:1 : getcwd() )
> >     let files=split(glob(path . '/*', 1), '\n')
> >     call filter(files, '!isdirectory(v:val)')
> >     call sort(files, "CompareLastModified")
> >     return files[-1]
> > endfun
> >
> > func! CompareLastModified(a,b)
> >       return getftime(a:a) == getftime(a:b) ? 0 : getftime(a:a) > getftime 
> > (a:b) ? 1 : -1
> > endfunc
> >
> > com! -complete=dir -nargs=? EditLastModified :exe ':tabe ' . 
> > OpenLastModified(<q-args>)
> > #v-
> >
> > Use :OpenLastModified to open the last modified file in your current
> > working directory or optionally use tab completion to use any other
> > directory.
> Thanks very much!
> And exactly I want to open the lastest modified *.c file.
> How to put this .c into your function?

Search for the * and replace it by *.c

> And besides, when I
> :call OpenLastModified(1)
> there is an error:
> Error detected while processing function OpenLastModified:
> Line 5:
> E684: list index out of range: -1
> E15: Invalid expression: files[-1]

What make you think, you were supposed to call it with the parameter 1?
The optionally parameter to that function is supposed to be a path. 
Therefore the command :OpenLastModified was provided, that allows for 
tabcompleting a directory optionally.


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