> How would you like the plugin to handle that automatically. If you make
> good suggestions, I might implement that.

Do you mean the narrow region plugin? Actually, that plugin may not be
involved at all.

Here's a use case for what I'm envisioning.

(1) one plain text file in unified diff format is opened in vim
(2) vim auto-detects that this is a unified diff file
(3) for lines that have changed, the *parts* of lines that have
changed are specifically highlighted (similar to the highlighting
provided when two files are opened with vimdiff)

Here's a mockup:
* http://yfrog.com/j1vimintrafilediffhighligp
* http://imagebin.ca/view/LmlbQoR.html

Bonus use case step:

(4) provide keybindings that can
    (a) cycle through differences
    (b) cycle through intra-line differences

Does that make sense?

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