Le 12-04-2011, à 12:04:07 +0200, Christian Brabandt (cbli...@256bit.org) a 
écrit :

> On Tue, April 12, 2011 11:18 am, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> >> :h helphelp.txt
> >
> > There is a copy of the help online, but alas, it is still the Vim 7.2
> > version of the help. :-(
> http://vimhelp.appspot.com/helphelp.txt.html

Thanks guys, you were really not obliged  ;-)

I'm currently reading and practicing the vimtutor (which I did years
ago), and it's funny to see what (bad) habits I picked up. For instance,
to go to the first line of a file, I type(d):


forgetting that gg does the same thing. Another example is the
replacement of caracters. I used to put the cursor right after the wrong
caracter, then go in insert mode, then hit the RETURN key, and finally
type the right caracter. A long way to do such a imple thing. Vim
suggest to just hit r then the correct caracter, and that's it. And so
on for the example. The only thing with which I have problem is the
movement keys, hjkl. I'm so used to the arrow keys that I get cramps in
my fingers when putting them on those hjkl keys (and I'm not that
old :-)).

Thnaks for all the nice help.

Have a nice day,

PS: I use vim for simple programming (some php, bash, python) but also
for email editing, LaTeX, and so forth. I just cannot imagine using
anything else. Ah yes, I sometimes use nano to copy paste code in a new
file. With vim, the whole code formatting is not kept. For instance, I
get something like this:

            a b c d e f  
                     echo $i

So when copy pasting a long part of code, it's not very convenient. But
I'm sure there is a way to do that also with vim. Just didn't find it
yet. If you have any ideas, please share.

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