Reply to message «Re: Plugin/addon managers», 
sent 23:29:36 10 July 2011, Sunday
by Eric Weir:

> I get "command not found." So I should install git? ZyX said it should be
> on my system, but that I shouldn't install it.
I never said that, though my words were perhaps unclear. I meant that if you 
want to make VAM use git all you need is to install it (you don't have to know 
how to use it), but if you don't want (and I suggested that you should not 
it is not required. With older versions you must have git because vim-addon-
manager-known-repositories was only available through git, but later I added 
ability to use tarball generated by github instead (though it is untested as 
both me and Marc has git on our systems).

> > OSX is based on a unix like kernel. Thus everything which matters to Vim
> > is similar to linux. If you want you you can take this use case to learn
> > about how to write your first git patch - which would "add osx
> > installation instructions" to VAM :)
> > 
> > All you have to do is edit the file and run something like
> > 
> > git diff > osx-install-instructions.patch in your file.
> > Then send me or ZyX that patch file.
> I'm game, though I barely understand what you're suggesting. I take it it
> assumes git is installed. Beyond that it's a little vague at the moment.
> E.g., "edit the file" -- what file? Run "something" like git diff >
> osx-install-instructions.patch "in your file." Again, what file? And what
> does it mean, "in"? And do I do this in terminal or in Vim? This is a
> patch relative to git or VAM? Surely someone  else has done an osx patch
> for git by now?
He suggested you to edit VAM documentation and write os X installation 
instructions there, then send the patch.
«run ... in a file» should mean just «run ...» here.
«file» is doc/vim-addon-manager.txt here.
I don't know about osx patches to git (if they are needed at all), but if you 
want to develop something mercurial is easier. And it supports git repositories 
(VAM does not support using mercurial for manipulating git repositories now).

Try to do the following:
    mkdir ~/.vam
    cd ~/.vam
    wget \
    mkdir vim-addon-manager
    cd vim-addon-manager
    unzip ../
    rm ../
    echo 'let g:vim_addon_manager={}' >> ~/.vimrc
    echo 'let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir=expand("~/.vam")' >> ~/.vimrc
then install any plugin (run something like
    :ActivateAddons VimOutliner
in vim).

Original message:
> On Jul 9, 2011, at 10:45 PM, Marc Weber wrote:
> > The end of the documentation contains a shell script.
> > You can copy paste that into your OSX shell and be done.
> Thanks Marc.
> You mean this "*linux-installation-script*"?
> > git --help (in terminal)should show help of git. If you get a failure
> > you have to install git.
> I get "command not found." So I should install git? ZyX said it should be
> on my system, but that I shouldn't install it. As I understand it,
> something about some kind of problem with the current version. Still don't
> know what it is, other than, for me, simply a repository of plugins. For
> the moment I'm taking it as simply a software package that it would be
> good to have on my system if I'm going to try VAM. How do I install? It
> does not require that I be running a server?
> > OSX is based on a unix like kernel. Thus everything which matters to Vim
> > is similar to linux. If you want you you can take this use case to learn
> > about how to write your first git patch - which would "add osx
> > installation instructions" to VAM :)
> > 
> > All you have to do is edit the file and run something like
> > 
> > git diff > osx-install-instructions.patch in your file.
> > Then send me or ZyX that patch file.
> I'm game, though I barely understand what you're suggesting. I take it it
> assumes git is installed. Beyond that it's a little vague at the moment.
> E.g., "edit the file" -- what file? Run "something" like git diff >
> osx-install-instructions.patch "in your file." Again, what file? And what
> does it mean, "in"? And do I do this in terminal or in Vim? This is a
> patch relative to git or VAM? Surely someone  else has done an osx patch
> for git by now?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------- Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA  USA

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