On 11/06/12 08:00, vicky b wrote:
> HI I have list of files in a dir, each file has a key=value pair
> kind of entries so it basically a  prop file .I want to  change
> all they key=value in all  file to key,value is it possible using
> vim ,    sorry if it is off topi

Depending on the complexity, it could be as simple as

  vim *.txt
  :argdo %s/=/,/e|w

or slightly less recklessly,

  vim *.txt
  :set hidden
  :argdo %s/=/,/e
(survey the changes)
  :xa       " if they're good save & quit all, or
  :qa!      " if they're bad, abandon all changes

The :s command could be made more complex to tighten the
requirements, something like


which ensures that there's a "word" at the beginning of the line,
followed by some optional whitespace (that will removed), the equals
sign (which will get changed to a comma) followed by more optional
whitespace (that will also get removed), followed by the start of a
word.  This can be tweaked depending on the particulars of your


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