thanks for assisting. I'm new to Linux command-line and VIM.
I'm using a Linux OS at work.

I type in vim -O3 file3.svh 

I get 3 windows and 5 buffers. The active window/buffer IS syntax highlighted. 
The inactive ones ARE NOT until I ^Ww through them. This may have something to 
do with the BufEnter event... so I tried VimEnter instead. In the latter case, 
none were highlighted.

So I entered :verbose set filetype? syntax? 

I see:

     Last set from /usr/share/vim/vim70/syntax.vim

version is HUGE with GTK2 GUI

Guess my syntax files are not getting fired up

My co-worker was the one who originally passed me the systemverilog.vim syntax 
file. He doesn't have mastery over VIM scripting. I also used a copy of his 
.vimrc. thanks for bearing with me.

This is why I've been ramping up my VIM learning; I'm also doing it to set up 
an optimal SystemVerilog code editing environment complete with plugins. My new 
boss said to me "it's either you learn VIM or Emacs, and I chose VIM even 
though Emacs is popular with the Verilog-mode." At any rate, learning on VIM 
has led me down the rabbit hole of reading the majority of Arnold Robbins' 
Learning Vi and VIM (haven't yet finished scripting and the programming 
stuff... altho its not very succinctly written), reading different sections of 
the VimUserManual and Reference, as well as exploring the directory structure 
of /usr/share/vim/vim70/ directories as well as file contents therein. Hence I 
created my own ~/.vim directory and mkdired the following sub-directories: 
syntax/, plugin/, filetype/ (they're all empty except syntax/). But I'm still 
figuring out VIM's execution sequence of RC files. I know it reads a bunch of 
stuff in the /usr/share/.. directory but I've been led to believe it LASTLY 
checks out your $HOME directory for a .vimrc file and somewhere I read someone 
put their .vimrc in a ~/.vim/ directory. At the very last it checks out .vimrc 
files in your CURRENT directory, which I'm not having anything to do with now.

I'm trying to master how to set up my directory $HOME structure with respect to 
VIM. What files go where? On skimming through Gary's response, I see he 
mentions a bit of that.

Other references I refer to (I plan on getting plugins installed in the near 
- the general internet
- VIM Wikia
- Vimscripts on Github, from where I found Vundle plugin (plugin for plugin 
plug-ins I'm interested in
- Vundle
- NerdTree
- VimShell

Onto replying to Gary...

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