Am Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012 23:31:47 UTC+1 schrieb ping:
> I've been
>           doing it manually for long time and feel it not scalable...
>                     external tools are one option, any good
>                           choice in vim?

I personally use (but I also created it ;-) vikitaks[1], which is based on the 
viki[2] plugin. See here for a mini-demo:

The task lists are defined in viki syntax, which looks like this:

    #A 2012-12-20 :call @family Say hello
    #A 2012-12-21 End of the world
    #B 2012-12-22 Plan B

Partial support for todo.txt syntax is also implemented.

The vikitasks commands then collects these tasks lists and displays a unified 
task list that can filtered by keywords etc.

It can be configured to display (over)due tasks when starting vim. Other than 
that it doesn't support reminders, though.



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