2013-10-22 12:14, Tony Mechelynck skrev:

BTW, what I'm typing now is on the Belgian version of the AZERTY
keyboard layout, similar but not identical to what they use in
France. See
http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/other/keybbe.htm for
details, and for how I have access to an almost incredible wealth
of characters thanks to the Shift and AltGr modifiers, used
separately or together, and to the concept of "dead keys"
(modifier prefixes pressed and released before using another key).

Have you considered replacing those duplicates with something
more useful?  It's kind of easy:


I've also gotten rid of some of the mathy characters which I
hardly ever use.  In Vim I use keymaps of course!

For the rare normal-mode commands which I don't find on my
keyboard, or which are too awkward for frequent use, I use the
:map command with F keys as the {lhs} (e.g. for the Ctrl-]
constantly used when navigating the help, I have
     :map <F9> <C-]>
in my vimrc; otherwise it would be Ctrl-AltGr-$ which I know about
now, but it took me quite a long time to find that combination
when I was learning to use Vim).

Best regards,

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