2014-05-21 15:44, Dan Lowe skrev:

On Tue, May 20, 2014, at 01:13 AM, BPJ wrote:

I also used to have problems with those, until I realized that
they have or can be thought to have mnemonic names, which may not
be obvious if English isn't your native language:

Key             Mnemonic

|b|             |b|eginning of this word
|B|             |B|eginning of a bigger chunk -- B is a big b!
|e|             |e|nd of this word
|E|             |E|nd of a bigger chunk
|w|             |w|hitespace after word included
|W|             |W|hitespace after bigger chunk included

The w and W mnemonics *are* a bit contrieved, but the included
whitespace is the important difference from e and E, and once I
came up with them the served me well -- I almost never used w or
W before that! Now of course I hardly need them anymore.

Please keep using whatever works best for you, but I'd guess most Vim
users think of w as "word," and one way you can think of these are as
jumps.  So it's not that "w" in "dw" means "delete this word," what it
means is "delete from here until you run into the next word."  In the
same way that "w" without an action before it means "jump to the next

My 'problem' is that I can't by any stretch of imagination think
of what's sjumped over by W as a 'word' -- it's usually at least
one word and then some punctuation.  I'm probably a dinosaur for
havings so restrictive a view of what a 'word' is, but so be it.
I guess I could rephrase it as "W: whitespace-delimited chunk".
(I realize that the store of available letters to assign to
actions was and is limited BTW, so it's no big deal!)


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