Thank you very much Ben for your great explication.
Not easy to understand.

I still don't understand why my vimrc and menu.vim, containing both french 
characters as "œu", could be read in latin1 in the past, without any problem or 
(The only encoding line I had in my vimrc file at that moment was "set 

What I also don't understand is that with above setting, files in latin1 where 
encoded in latin1 but the fileencoding in my statusline was empty (no 
fileencoding was indicated by vim)
If I changed the above setting to "set encoding=utf8", encoding and 
fileencoding both indicated utf-8. Does vim take as default encoding the 
default windows encoding?

Every now and then I write something in Russian that is why it might be better 
to change the default encoding to utf8, isn't it? I had also troubles to use a 
plugin using latin1 as the default encoding.
If I set my default encoding to utf-8, what would be the "filencodings"?
Set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf8,cp1252,latin1?
utf8 at the end or after ucs-bom?
Btw I'm on a windows OS, 8bit-cp1252 has to be cp1252, isn't it?

If my default encoding will be utf-8, it is better to convert vimrc and 
menu.vim to utf8 as well to avoid that I see every time "Converted" after the 
filename, isn't it?
Do you know a good software to convert cp1252 files to utf-8? (I used iconv in 
the past)

Btw Ben, you noted in your reply "setglobal fileencoding=utf-8" 
What difference is there between "set fileencoding=utf-8"  and "setglobal 
fileencoding=utf-8". I thought there was no local buffer encoding setting?

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