On 2015-06-10 15:08, Charles Campbell wrote:
>>   :g/^beginfoo/+,/^endfoo/-!somefilter
>> (I'm using the shorthand of "+" == "+1" and "-" == "-1")
>> I love this esoteric/underused corner of Vim and it's saved me
>> countless hours of work since I learned about it.
> I keep forgetting that its supposed to be esoteric, I use it so
> often.

Until users encounter that composability of using ":g" to issue
commands on matching lines, along with the ability to enter a
relative line or range from that match before your final Ex
command(s), it's pretty obscure.  However, as soon as you understand
the power of it, it's a concept that's hard to forget, so I use it
quite regularly.


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