Den 2015-06-03 kl. 16:06, skrev Tim Chase:
On 2015-06-03 16:03, BPJ wrote:
You can define a range with regular expression(s) like:


However if there are multiple ranges which would match only the
next one is filtered.

Can you make Vim apply the command to all matching ranges
throughout the buffer in one go?  I'm sure there is some easy
solution I can't find...

The :g command can use a range before its command, so you could do
something like


(I'm using the shorthand of "+" == "+1" and "-" == "-1")

I love this esoteric/underused corner of Vim and it's saved me
countless hours of work since I learned about it.

It has worked fine for me since Tim showed it to me,
but I'm afraid that I need to take it to the next level:
Is there a way to have the output of the external program be appended below the /^endfoo/- line rather than overwriting the input range? I realize that I could write to an external file and then use :r! to insert it again, but I'm not keen on having the temporary file lying around, nor on creating it in /tmp
I'm open for a solution without :g, i.e. using an ordinary range,
but even then I'd rather use marks than having to memorize line numbers.



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