On Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 12:50:13 AM UTC-4, Random832 wrote:
>Paul <Paul.Domaskis <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> I'm finding that cygwin's gvim no longer seems to use the same
>> cryptic font names as xfontsel.  They are much simpler names.  So
>> it seems that gvim doesn't use the X-window fonts. I'm at a loss
>> for how to select cygwin packages that will expand my font options
>> in gvim.  Can anyone please explain?
> What happens if you run ":set gfn=*" ? Can you select fonts; what
> fonts appear; and what does the value of the gfn option look like
> afterwards?  You say they are much simpler, but don't explain
> exactly what they look like.

Here is a sample of the font families from "set gfn=*".  I only chose
examples with monospacing

   Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
   Courier 10 Pitch
   DejaVu Sans Mono
   Liberation Mono
   Nimbus Mono L
   Oxygen Mono
   Source Code Pro   

Hmmm.  Now that I take stock, that's quite a selection.  Maybe I don't
need more.  I was looking for something to fill the gap between
"Monospace 7" and "Monospace 8", since it seems text size visually
seesms to take a quantum leap bewteen those two.

> Does the cygwin gvim use gtk 2? What is has("gui_gtk2")...

It is 1.

> ...and does the font name look like the one in the example in :h
> setting-guifont ?

gfn is the following, but that's because I set it in vimrc:

  guifont=Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 8

If I run vim without having it source vimrc, gfn is blank.

Anyway, I'd still be interested in where vim searches for fonts.  This
aspect of vim is a bit of a black art to me.

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