
The docs for the matchit plugin say that the mappings in it may cause
strange behavior, but I think this example is worth noting.

I was trying to do yV% on lines like this:

#endif //SOMETHING

expecting to yank all the lines, but what I got was everything up to the
comment, i.e., the last line had only the #endif.  A new uninstalled vim
(without plugins) did what I had expected originally.

After some debugging, what I found was that in this mapping in matchit.vim:

onoremap <silent> %  v:<C-U>call <SID>Match_wrapper('',1,'o') <CR>

the 'v' in v:<C-U> was changing the operator to forced characterwise after
my 'V' had tried to force it to forced linewise.  Doing ounmap % got the
behavior I was looking for.

I couldn't find yet in the help what v:<C-U> is supposed to do, but what is
significant is that the 'v' in that mapping is evidently being interpreted
twice, once as a "force characterwise" signal, and again for what it
'really' means.  I imagine this could cause problems in other plugins as
well which use this construction.


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