On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 7:31 AM Gary Johnson <garyj...@spocom.com> wrote:
> I just tried exposing the search count message by removing 'S' from
> 'shortmess', but I couldn't see it.  I discovered that it is hidden,
> erased and/or not updated by a couple of my mappings.
>     nnoremap <silent> n nzv:call AdjCursor()<CR>
>     nnoremap <silent> N Nzv:call AdjCursor()<CR>
> Here is a simple experiment that demonstrates the problem.  Create
> a file, test.vim, that contains the following.
>     set shortmess-=S
>     nnoremap <silent> n n
>     help map.txt
> Open a standard-sized, 80x24 terminal, and in it run
>     $ vim -N -u NONE -i NONE -S test.vim
> Then search for "command":
>     /command
> After hitting Enter, the cursor will be at the start of "commands"
> on line 7 and the command line will contain this:
>     /command                                               [1/>99]
> After hitting 'n', the cursor advances to line 13 and the command
> line stays the same, even showing "[1/>99]" when it should be
> showing "[2/>99]".
> Another 'n' advances the cursor to line 17, the screen scrolls
> up so that that line is at the bottom of the window, and the command
> line is empty--no search count message at all.
> I would think that <silent> would prevent the mapping from
> disturbing the command line, in which case this is a bug.
> If it's not a bug, then is there some way of defining a mapping that
> does not interfere with the search count message, or some way of
> restoring that message at the end of a mapping?
> Regards,
> Gary

I can't reproduce the problem.

What I get by hitting n after applying your mappings is:

E117: Unknown function: AdjCursor

With no mappings, the count is of course corectly shown.

Best regards,

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