On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 8:12 AM Gary Johnson <garyj...@spocom.com> wrote:
> Yes, if you were to use those first two mappings without the
> AdjCursor() function defined, I would expect them to fail as you
> describe.  You can avoid that by defining AdjCursor() as an empty
> function.  Alternatively, you can use the mapping that I intended
> for you to use to demonstrate the problem, the one defined in
> test.vim.
> Regards,
> Gary

Ah, sorry. Well, with ":noremap <silent> n n" the count is indeed not
echoed, but with ":noremap n n" instead, it is. I suppose that the
<silent> switch avoids output from the normal-mode {rhs} and that what
the help says about the need for an additional ":silent" in the {rhs}
applies to an ex-command, which is not what we have here.

Best regards,

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