On 08/12/2020 10.47, A. Wik wrote:
Hi all,

I tried a few things:

(1) gvim -f ++enc=utf8 -
result: "E492: Not an editor command: +enc=utf8
(2) gvim -f +enc=utf8 -
result: see (1)
(3) gvim -f +"set fenc=utf8" -
result: no error message; sets fenc to "utf-8", but file is loaded as
if with latin1.
(4) gvim -f -c "set fenc=utf8" -
result: see (3)
(5) gvim -f --cmd "set fenc=utf8" -
no error message; fenc remains is "latin1"

Yes, I tried stuff like that while perusing the manual a hundred times, it can't work and that's also kind of declared in some points of the documentation; :h fenc is a jungle, and I seem to remember that it's also not completely correct. Basically 'fenc' is only looked at when writing a file, and who knows what the output of that write will be.

So essentially, besides 'fencs', the ++enc "opt" (which **has nothing to do with the 'enc' option!!!**) is the only thing that can have an effect when reading a file, and after it's read you better forget about fixing its encoding.

The only way forward in my opinion would be to deprecate 'enc', 'fenc', ++enc and probably 'fencs', giving warnings when they do get used, and introduce completely different options and commands.

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