But what about plugins like


That use some external formatters.

I find them slow, because it need to start program when called from Vim.
And they say, it means you need to have some type of service running on
your system.
Like for 'prettier', you need 'prettierd' to not have lag when calling it.

But I tried to setup 'prettierd', and got lost.

And there is also some efm-langserver , which they say is fastest, because
it formats only lines that need to be formatted (if I understood
But I just have no idea what to do with this, how to install it, how to
connect it to other external formatters, Vim plugins..


Vim-autoformat have explanation how to setup. But as I said, it takes time
to start up program, so it already need to be running, using some sort of
something, like efm-langserver ?

I don't know really how to do this.
I just want to have code more readable.

sub, 27. maj 2023. 23:22 Bram Moolenaar <b...@moolenaar.net> је написао/ла:

> > I can't wrap my head around Vim autoformat at all.
> > I want to have autoformat on save feature.
> > I don't want it to have delays, so when i press `:w` it immediatelly
> saves
> > and formats indentation properly.
> >
> > I have no idea what is going on in (neo)Vim discussions about this
> > autoformating. Looks like those people never coded in their life, and
> never
> > do any useful thing with their godly configs other than to brag.
> >
> > Using Vim feature `gg=G` i format and indent whole file.
> > This is what I want to have, but discussions related to this are so
> > complicated. They just say 'look at my config', but I have no idea, what
> is
> > that I should look into his config, or just copying his whole config
> with a
> > lot of bloat.
> >
> > Please help.
> To get you started:
>         au FileType pascal au BufWritePre <buffer> * normal gg=G
> This will add a BufWritePre autocommand to a buffer where 'filetype' is
> set to "pascal".  You probably want to ehance this. E.g. add an augroup,
> so you can delete the autocommand again.
> Although this is what you asked for, you probably soon find out that
> formatting text only when editing it works better.  Formatting the whole
> file may mess things up without you noticing.
> --
> From "know your smileys":
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>  |-)    Funny Oriental
>  (-:    Funny Australian
>  /// Bram Moolenaar -- b...@moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net
>  \\\
> ///
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