On Fr, 29 Sep 2023, 'Trey Blancher' via vim_use wrote:

> I'm using vim 9.0.1850 on macOS Ventura 13.6, installed via Homebrew.  I 
> have a problem with the E325 ATTENTION message, informing me of an existing 
> swap file.  It appears that every line in the message is inordinately long, 
> such that most of the message scrolls off the top of my terminal emulator 
> window (and I can't scroll up to see it since I'm using vim in a tmux 
> session/window/pane in Alacritty).  This looks like a formatting or a text 
> wrapping*s* problem.
> Here's a link to what I've copied out to the visible window, to try and 
> demonstrate what I'm running into:  https://paste.rs/TUl2R (it doesn't 
> appear I can attach files to this Google Groups message). Here's a 
> screenshot from my vertical rotated monitor: [image: Screenshot 2023-09-29 
> at 15.22.48.png]
> This has been going on for quite some time, I don't know exactly when it 
> started.  Is there any way to fix this?

This is surprising and I have never seen this issue. Does it only happen 
in Alacritty? Always? Can you check in different terminal emulators and 
also in the GUI? What once it shows up, you abort vim, and restart using 
`vim --clean` and then open the exact same file (so the E325 should 
trigger again)?

Look at it this way: Your daughter just named the fresh turkey you brought
home "Cuddles", so you're going out to buy a canned ham.  And you're still
drinking ordinary scotch?

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