>From: Neal Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: My lil' LC
>Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>This newsgroup is great but I need some specific things. You all say it
>can be run to receive email and such but you guys never say what
>hardware you use to get connected. I have an LC that I am going to
>upgrade (mobo, RAM, VRAM, etc..) but what kind of hardrive will fit in
>the box as well as what dialup modem will go with it or can I share a
>cable connection with my PeeCee? (router?)

Hmm, well, I picked up a $2.50 internal modem from Other World 
Computing's garage sale the other day. Good news: it has an FPU (68882) 
socket. Bad news: it runs at 2400, just as the pickle had predicted. Any 
3.5" SCSI HDD will work, and the 190-350MB range is available all over 
the net for peanuts.

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