Donald said he is using iOS 10, hence he can use the much easier way to move 
apps and create folders which was introduced in that version.
Donald, I will describe a scenario in which I am only using the top 2 rows of 
the first home screen with the following 4 apps:
Row 1: Calculator, Compass, Clock and Camera
Row 2: App Store, Messages, Settings and Music
Let's say I touch near the top and end up touching the Compass app, second from 
the left in the top row. Voiceover will say "Compass" and you may have noticed 
that in iOS 10, Voiceover also says "Actions available" after a short pause. 
This means that you can swipe up or down with one finger to hear other choices, 
in this case it does not matter if you swipe up or down as there are only two 
options and it wraps around . By default, the "action" which happens when you 
do a double tap is called "Activate" and it opens the app. Since Voiceover has 
focus on this action, when you swipe up or down you will first hear "Arrange 
Apps", if you swipe down a second time or up it will go back to "Activate, 
default", as you can see (hear) Voiceover indicates that this is the default 
OK, as you probably guessed, instead of "activate" which means opening the app, 
you want to swipe to "Arrange Apps" and then do a double tap.
Let's assume I want to make a folder which contains both the Compass and 
Calculator app. I can touch or swipe to either one to start, let's say I go to 
Compass. Now after Voiceover says "Compass I swipe down with one finger and 
when Voiceover says "Arrange Apps" I double tap. Voiceover will say "Arranging 
Apps" I can now double tap again immediately without doing any swipes because 
"Move" is the default here. If I double tap a second time Voiceover will say 
"Choose a destination for Compass".
I know that Calculator is at the very top left, so one spot to the left of 
Compass and I can simply swipe left once to put focus on Calculator, Voiceover 
will say "Calculator is editing". 
Now I again use the swipe down gesture with one finger, but now I have 5 
options, they are as follows:
1. Activate - if you double tap this while in "editing mode" you will be asked 
if you want to delete the app.
2. Cancel move of Compass - this will, as you guessed, cancel the operation.
3. Create new folder with Calculator and Compass - this is where you want to 
double tap to create a folder which then contains both apps. Mostly folders are 
automatically labelled based on the app type, in this case it would probably be 
called "Utilities".
4. Place Compass before Calculator - this is where you double tap if you want 
to put the Compass before (to the left) of the Calculator app.
5. Place Compass after Calculator - this is where you double tap if you want to 
put the Compass after (to the right) of the Calculator app, in this case this 
wouldn't make sense because it is already in that position.

Once you selected the option you wanted you can simply press the home button to 
get out of editing mode and you can now check out your home screen. If we used 
option 3, create a folder, the folder would now be at the very top left, then 
there would be the 2 other apps which were in row 1 and the last app would now 
be the first app from row 2 because of course the folder which is a single icon 
now contains two apps so one up moves up from underneath to the right of row 1, 
here is what it would look like:
Row 1: Utilities folder, Clock, Camera and App Store
Row 2:Messages, Settings and Music

Give it a try, it's super easy to do. Here a few more pointers:
If you want to move an app that is one home screen 2 to home screen 1, just go 
to that app first, start the moving operation as described above, once it says 
"Select a destination", use either a 3-finger swipe from left to right to go 
back to the first home page or find the picker control at the bottom above the 
dock and flick it with one finger to the page where you want to be. Once you 
are on that page, touch or swipe to the app where you want to create the folder 
or place the other app, then select the appropriate option (create folder, 
place before or place after).

If you have an app in a folder and you want to move it out of that folder, you 
would open the folder, put focus on the app and start the moving operation. 
However, normally you press the home button to close a folder which of course 
you can't do here because this would cancel the operation. Instead either use 
the scrub gesture to back out of the folder (a z-type gesture with 2 fingers) 
or flick down your list of options, if you are inside a folder one option is 
"Close folder", double tap on that and the folder will close, you can then go 
to where you want the app and select the desired option to place it or create a 
new folder.

Best regards and good luck,

----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Joseph Hudson
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: arranging apps on IPhone 5

Hello, make a folder, you need to find two apps, that he want to put together. 
Simply put them on top of each other and hold it there for a few seconds, and 
it will create a folder. Once is created, you can continuously add stuff to the 
folder by dragging stuff on top of the folder. I hope this is helped you, and 
if you need anymore assistance please feel free to use any of my information 
below two get assistance from me.
                                Joseph Hudson 

I device support


> On Jun 12, 2017, at 10:29 PM, Donald Raikes <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have had an IPhone 5 for  a while now, and one of the things that 
> continues to bug me is that I read that I should be able to drag and 
> drop apps from one screen onto a different one or to use folders to 
> group apps.
> I have never been successful doing either task. Is there a "simple"
> way to arrange the apps on the IPhone?  IOS 10.3.2.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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