Richard, where's text selection and writer? Thanks.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Richard Turner 
  Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 7:23 PM
  Subject: A review of Aira. What it is, how it works, and the ways it has 
changed my life by Jonathan Mosen,

  I decided to use text selection and select all before VoiceOver locked up, 
then copy and paste Mark's message into Writer, then it read well.
  So, I copied it back out of Writer and am pasting it below. Hopefully, 
whatever was causing the problem is gone.
  Here is Mark's entire message:
  Hello Everyone,  

  I am posting the following article because it references an iOS app.


  A review of Aira. What it is, how it works, and the ways it has changed my
  by Jonathan Mosen, Posted on 03/04/2018

  Recently, I was pleased to attend the CSUN assistive technology conference.
  I've had the privilege of going to 10 of these before, but it has been a few
  years since I was there last.
  When you're involved with an industry, you tend to watch developments so
  closely that changes usually seem incremental. But occasionally, something
  new comes along that is so game changing, it stops you in your tracks. For
  me, San Diego-based Aira is one such technology. I am late to this party.
  Aira has been rolling out for some time in the United States. And indeed, we
  covered Aira in an edition of The Blind Side Podcast last year. But since
  mentioning my Aira experience to people via outlet such as my Internet radio
  show, The Mosen Explosion, I've learned that not everyone yet fully
  understands what the service is or how it works. For those not familiar with
  Aira, or who would like to read someone else's impressions of it, read on.
  What is Aira
  According to the company's website,
  Aira is today's fastest growing assistive community. One tap of a button
  instantly connects you with a sighted professional agent who delivers visual
  assistance anytime and anywhere.
  Here's what that means in practice. At present, Aira is a smart phone app,
  available for iOS and Android. Since Aira is a service for blind people,
  it's no surprise that the app is exemplary in terms of its accessibility.
  And in iOS, it even sports Siri integration.
  Using the app, you can connect via video, much like a FaceTime call, with
  agents who can provide you with visual information. Audio quality is
  excellent, far clearer than a standard cell phone connection. Essentially,
  an Aira agent can tell you anything at all that a pair of functioning eyes
  can see, plus perform a range of tasks pertaining to that information.
  You can acquire the visual information using your smart phone's camera, or,
  when you become a subscriber to the Aira service (Aira calls its customers
  "explorers") you receive a pair of smart glasses. These are included as part
  of your subscription, so there's no hardware cost upfront.
  The service is available officially in the United States at present, where
  Aira has an arrangement with AT&T. Aira explorers receive an AT&T MiFi
  device, allowing them to use the service on the go without the data consumed
  by the video connection eating up a customer's own cellular plan. If you
  have a cellular plan equipped with the personal hotspot feature, you are
  free to pair your Aira glasses with your phone using that method. For those
  with large data plans, this may be attractive because there is one less
  device to keep track of, carry, and charge. The downside, other than the
  data consumption, is that a video connection to Aira for a long time may
  cause significant battery drain on your smart phone.
  When you're at home, work, or anywhere that Wi-Fi is available that doesn't
  require web-based authentication, you can pair your Aira glasses to that
  network. As far as I have been able to ascertain, 5 GHZ Wi-Fi isn't
  supported at present.
  Because of the need for high quality video, the glasses pair via Wi-Fi, and
  not Bluetooth. The glasses are associated with your Aira account. This is
  useful if, like in Bonnie's and my house, you're sharing your minutes as a
  couple. More on that later.
  The upshot of all of this is that for 18 hours of every day, professional,
  well-trained sighted assistance is just a few taps or a Siri command away.
  Describing it like this makes it sound kind of cool. But I want to explain
  the impact that Aira has had on our lives in the brief time we have had it,
  to illustrate that, at least for some of us, this technology is more than
  just pretty cool, it's life-changing.
  My first Aira experience
  If you've been reading this blog or listening to The Blind Side Podcast over
  the years, you will know that in recent times I have come out as having a
  hearing impairment. I love going to these big conferences because I get to
  catch up with old friends and make new ones, as well as see the latest and
  greatest technology. I hate going to these big conferences because often, I
  find myself in difficult audio environments. It can be very noisy. Hotel
  lobbies and restaurants are often exceedingly crowded, with high ceilings
  causing noise to bounce everywhere. The environment is difficult and tiring,
  but I keep going and doing the best I can, because the alternative is to sit
  at home and rust away, and I'm certainly not going to do that.
  One smart thing that Aira has done is to start rolling out a concept called
  "site access". With appropriate sponsorship, or perhaps at times where there
  will be many potential customers in one place, Aira can enable free access
  to a location or even the entire city through their smart city project.
  There are two benefits to the strategy. First, it's helpful for existing
  Aira explorers because they can use the service as much as they want without
  it counting against their monthly plans.
  Second, anyone, even those not signed up with an Aira monthly plan, can go
  to the iOS App Store or the Google Play Store, download the app, create a
  guest account, and use the service for free. As I found out, it's convenient
  to have access to Aira in such situations, and it offers the opportunity for
  Aira to convert those guests into full-time explorers. Smart stuff.
  It was thanks to this program that I gave Aira a shot. Had I been required
  to go to the booth to give it a go, I probably would have run out of time
  and wouldn't be writing this post. But it was a cinch to download the app
  and set up my guest account.
  I first decided to put Aira through a simple test. Having arrived in San
  Diego after a long journey, I wasn't taking much notice of the hotel layout
  when the porter showed me to my room. So, the next morning, I made my first
  call to Aira, and asked the friendly agent to guide me to the elevator. Not
  only did I get to the elevator effortlessly, I was also guided right to the
  button for the elevator.
  But the call I will never forget is the one I made to ask for assistance
  getting to the exhibit hall while exhibits were being set up. If you've
  visited the Grand Hyatt in San Diego, you'll know how cavernous the lobby
  can sound. When the lobby is full of people, I find it impossible to
  navigate, because there's just so much sound bouncing everywhere. To be
  honest, I wasn't expecting much from Aira, but I was keen to see what would
  This is the moment when I transitioned from the intellectual understanding
  that "this is quite a good concept", to the emotional connection that made
  me say "holy guacamole, this thing is changing my life!"
  I'm not a guide dog handler at the moment, but I have been in the past. One
  of the advantages of working with a dog over using a cane is that you avoid
  many obstacles without ever coming into contact with them. The exception is
  if you are a cane user with good echolocation. I think that even with full
  hearing, I would have found echolocation difficult in that very noisy lobby,
  but it's certainly not viable for me now. Therefore, in that type of
  environment, I often find myself hitting people's legs with my cane, as I
  try to find a way forward. With the Aira agent talking in my hearing aids
  which were also delivering environmental sounds, I was getting information
  about where the crowds were, and when I needed to veer to avoid running into
  people. I was told when it was necessary to turn to reach my destination and
  given confirmation that I was indeed heading in the correct direction.
  Because of my hearing, and the fact that I know navigating these
  environments can be difficult, I had allowed myself plenty of time to reach
  the exhibit hall. But I reached it much more quickly than I had anticipated,
  and with much less stress than usual.
  When we eventually reached the exhibit hall, which was some considerable
  distance away, the agent informed me that the door was closed. I expected
  this, since I was heading to the exhibit hall before it was officially open
  to the public. The icing on the cake was when she said that she could see a
  counter to the left of the door with a sign labelled "Exhibit Services". She
  then informed me that there was a man behind that counter and offered to
  lead me to him. She did so, and he let me in. Astounded, I thanked the
  agent, and ended the call.
  Full disclosure, at this point, it gets a bit embarrassing. No technology
  has made me cry for joy before. But a stressful experience I have to psych
  myself up for had just been made effortless and enjoyable. I was utterly
  overwhelmed. This was all achieved with no more than the free app and the
  camera on my iPhone X.
  Piloting Aira outside the US
  I've no doubt that I would have been wowed by Aira even if I had been blind
  without a hearing impairment. But, having had a taste of the independence it
  was giving me, even better than the independence I had when I was a
  traveller without a hearing impairment, I really wanted to see if there was
  any way I could take this home to New Zealand. I knew it would be unlikely,
  because Aira is very clear that they are only available now in the United
  States and I think parts of Canada. But I genuinely felt that having had a
  taste of Aira, I would feel a sense of disability if I lost it again.
  I met with Aira's CEO, Suman Kanuganti, who kindly agreed to let me pilot
  the service here. Since this is a fairly glowing review of the service, I
  want to be clear that I am paying the same as everyone else. This is not a
  paid advertisement. And I'm aware of the limitations of using the service
  here when it's not officially supported. For example, Aira is currently
  unavailable between 1 AM and 7 AM Eastern time. At this time of year, that
  equates to 5 PM to 11 PM New Zealand time. That's a time when we have had a
  need for the service, but I signed up knowing what I was getting into, so
  that's an observation rather than a complaint. Even for Aira's existing
  customer base, I'm sure many hope that this downtime will soon be a thing of
  the past. I'm one of those totally blind people without light perception who
  has non-24 sleep/wake disorder. I'm fortunate that because most of my
  deliverables can be delivered at any time, I just let my circadian rhythm do
  its thing. That means I'm sometimes very productive at 2, 3 or 4 AM. I'm
  sure there are many Aira users in the United States in a similar position,
  who'd value having access to Aira at that time.
  I'll also be providing feedback on any technical or cultural issues relating
  to the use of the service here, should they arise. The most obvious cultural
  issue is that many of our place names are in the Maori language, the
  indigenous language of New Zealand. Understandably, Aira agents don't have
  experience pronouncing them correctly, but that's no different from
  listening to the same place names spoken by most text-to-speech engines.
  When mobile, Bonnie and I are using Aira with our mobile data plans. We
  share a cellular plan that has 25 GB of mobile data per month, and our LTE
  networks are very robust here, particularly in urban environments.
  Signing up as an explorer
  Typically, when you sign up as an explorer, you can start using the service
  right away with your smart phone, and the hardware is shipped to you. Since
  I was at the CSUN conference, I was able to sign up online, and collect my
  hardware from the Aira booth.
  The ability to use the service as a guest is fairly new, and one of the
  problems I had was that I couldn't sign up with the email address I had
  associated with my guest account, because the system flagged it as already
  in use. It would be nice to have a feature within the app that allowed you
  to upgrade to a paid account while signed in as a guest. Hopefully that will
  come in time. The only way around it for now is either to sign up with a
  different email address or complete the process over the phone.
  When you make your first call as a fully-fledged explorer, an Aira agent
  assists you to create your profile. It's here that you really start to
  appreciate how carefully the services been devised. Suman Kanuganti and his
  team have worked closely with Blind people, sought their advice, and taken
  it to heart. It would have been easy for a service like this to have become
  patronising. Instead, the culture feels like it is truly a partnership
  between the explorer and the agent.
  As part of the induction process, you are advised that Aira will never tell
  you that it's safe to cross the street, and agents will remain silent while
  you are crossing. If you are mobile, and the agent detects that you're not
  travelling with a cane or a dog, they will disconnect the call. They make it
  clear that they are not a substitute for your blindness skills, or for your
  mobility tool of choice. And they advise that they keep personal opinions
  out of all descriptions and interactions.
  You're asked if there are any additional disabilities that it would be
  helpful for them to be aware of. I was able to tell them about my hearing
  Rather like when using JAWS, you are offered three levels of verbosity. The
  three levels are explained to you clearly. Your default level is recorded in
  your profile. You can change the default at any time, or for a particular
  call. The most verbose option will even describe people's facial expressions
  as you're walking down the street.
  You're asked whether you prefer directions to be given as a clock face, or
  in terms of "left" and "right". In a noisy environment, it's easier for me
  to differentiate between 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock, than between left and
  Once the process is done, all your preferences are recorded and immediately
  made available to the agent when you call in.
  Ride sharing Integration
  Using the APIs of the ride sharing services Uber and Lyft, Aira can connect
  to your accounts to both call and monitor your rides. You may ask the agent
  to initiate the entire process for you, or you could use the app of your
  ride sharing service of choice to call a vehicle, then get the agent online
  who can see the car you've been allocated, and help you watch for its
  Some people have safety concerns about using ride sharing services, since
  you might walk up to a car that you think is the one you've called, only to
  find its some random person. Having an Aira agent assist you to the vehicle
  will avoid that.
  It's also a brilliant way to catch drivers who speed away because of your
  dog. An Aira agent can take pictures remotely using the camera you're
  connecting with, be it the camera on your smart phone or the one built into
  the glasses. This gives you photographic evidence of the driver speeding
  Sharing minutes
  Recently, Aira introduced the ability to share minutes with up to two
  additional people. The feature is great for blind couples like Bonnie and
  me. Inviting Bonnie to share my minutes was easily done from the app, and
  she was signed up in minutes, although there was a technical issue which
  prevented her from logging in. This was resolved in a few hours after
  contacting Aira.
  How we've used Aira
  There is a wonderful section on the Aira website and in its app, with
  extensive lists of the way that people are using the service. As the father
  of two daughters, one use case that both resonated with me and amused me was
  the explorer who asked an agent to describe their daughter's new boyfriend.
  But here are just a few of the ways that we've used Aira since we've had it.
  What does this button do?
  It was wonderful to be able to ask an agent, trained to explain things
  clearly, how to operate the air-conditioning in my hotel room in San Diego.
  I was also curious about a little panel to the right of the air-conditioning
  unit. After getting me to look at the unit, the agent took a photo, blew it
  up, and told me that it was a control panel for the windows in my hotel
  room. I probably wouldn't have bothered investigating it had it not been for
  Bonnie has now embarked on a journalism course. Today's journalists must
  operate in a multimedia environment. This includes taking their own photos.
  Thanks to the technology VoiceOver offers, it's possible for a blind person
  to take good photos. When action is moving fast though, it may not be
  possible to capture that action quickly enough. And VoiceOver's camera
  functions are limited to recognising people. Seeing AI will recognise
  scenes, but only after you've taken the picture. Aira to the rescue.
  Just a couple of days after Bonnie began sharing my Aira minutes, she needed
  to cover a popular Wellington street festival. Bonnie tells me she couldn't
  have done it without Aira. Giving instructions to the agent ahead of time
  about the kind of material she wanted to capture, the Aira agent was able to
  take pictures at exactly the right time and give Bonnie advice about how to
  angle the camera. Her photography lecturer praised the photos.
  The agent gave vivid, detailed descriptions of the festival and the people
  participating in it, which made it easy for Bonnie to write a descriptive,
  colourful newspaper story that wasn't devoid of visual imagery even though
  she is blind.
  When Bonnie got the munchies after a hard day's journalism, the agent helped
  her locate the food truck she wanted from a number that were at the
  festival, and then read her the menu on the side of the truck.
  Preserving the moment
  Since Aira can take pictures using the glasses or camera remotely, we
  recently used it at a birthday party we attended to get the perfect picture
  for our own records, and for posting to social media.
  Compiling reports
  When you travel and collect receipts, you end up with little bits of paper,
  business cards from cab drivers with receipt information scrawled on the
  back, and big pieces of paper.
  I've become adept over the years at performing optical character recognition
  on all of it for the compilation of expense reports, but it's
  time-consuming. I took the stress out of the situation and handed it to
  Aira. My agent advised using the camera on the iPhone X for this task rather
  than the glasses. She gave instructions regarding the positioning of the
  camera, took pictures of all the documents, and I had no doubt that each
  receipt was fully in the picture.
  She put them all in a single document which she then emailed to me. This
  process took probably a third to a quarter of the time it would have usually
  taken me.
  As someone who's been totally blind since birth, I've enjoyed becoming more
  familiar with effective use of the camera and understanding the relationship
  between distance and getting the subject of a photograph fully in the
  picture. When in hotels, I sometimes find getting a good-quality capture of
  hotel compendia and in-room dining menus a challenge. The print may have
  become faded over time, or there's a wide variation of print types. It can
  also take time to work out whether there is print on both sides of the page
  or not, and sometimes that can vary even within the same document.
  At a recent hotel stay, Aira took all the stress out of rendering the
  in-room dining menu accessible to Bonnie and me. The agent very quickly
  snapped pictures of all the pages and could see at a glance when the pages
  were single or double-sided. Then, the agent transcribed the text into a
  fully accessible Word document. I was given the choice as to whether I
  wanted a full transcription, which of course took a little longer, or just a
  summary of the items on the menu and their prices.
  The mysteries of the minibar
  Many hotel minibars now have sophisticated sensors that charge you for an
  item when you lift it out of the fridge. Rather than hunt around for a
  barcode on each bottle, can, and food item, an Aira agent was able to recite
  the cans in the fridge in left-to-right order.
  Real-time audio description
  Bonnie and I recently took a gondola ride in one of the most picturesque
  parts of New Zealand. One of our party was sighted, nevertheless, I decided
  to call Aira, to ask an agent if she could give me real-time audio
  description as we rode the gondola, then as we stood on the viewing
  platform. It was a moving experience to get such detailed descriptions of
  the water, the tree line and the city below. Our sighted companion was
  impressed, saying that Aira had told us things she wouldn't have thought
  about describing.
  Does Aira harm the accessibility cause?
  When I've discussed Aira with some blind people, a few have expressed the
  concern that the service may discourage those of us who have it from
  continuing to advocate for a truly accessible world. They fear that as
  providers of information and services become aware of Aira, they may feel
  under less of an obligation to do the right thing when it comes to
  For example, if you read this blog regularly, you will know I've been
  campaigning about the code to complete the New Zealand census not being
  accessible. If I had been an Aira explorer at the time, an Aira agent would
  have read the access code to me, and the process would have taken about a
  minute maximum. Would I have begun my campaign for the codes to be
  inherently accessible if Aira had been in our home to do that for me? I
  would like to think so.
  A similar concern was expressed when JAWS introduced the ability to perform
  OCR on inaccessible PDF files.
  I believe Aira is a pragmatic solution that delivers access to us today.
  That in no way means that those of us with the skills and inclination to
  advocate for a more accessible world shouldn't continue to do so. If we've
  been able to use Aira to work around the problem, it's just that, a
  work-around. Most of the world's written information today is born
  accessible. Someone must take a deliberate step to convert it into something
  inaccessible, and we must always object to that occurring. So, we must still
  advocate for all aspects of life to be as accessible as possible.
  In this highly visual world, there'll always be plenty of tasks for Aira to
  perform, even as accessibility improves.
  Does Aira erode blindness skills?
  The arrival of the pocket calculator, the cell phone with a built-in contact
  directory, and many other technologies have been the cause of people
  expressing concern about the "dumbing down" of the human race. A few people
  I've spoken with about Aira have wondered if it will cause an erosion of
  blindness skills among its users. I don't believe so. I contend the impact
  will be positive.
  For me personally, other circumstances, specifically my hearing impairment,
  have made travel time-consuming and exhausting. Freedom of movement should
  not be the privilege of the blind elite who happen to find travel intuitive
  and easy. Freedom of movement is, in my view, a fundamental human right.
  With the ability to travel under less stress, I believe my travel skills,
  which may have eroded a little over the years as I've begun avoiding tricky
  situations, will in fact improve due to increased use.
  Remember, Aira does not replace your cane or dog. You must still know how to
  use your cane in a way that helps you locate obstacles and provides you with
  clues about your environment.
  What it costs, and is it value for money?
  Assuming you have a smartphone, there is no other hardware you must purchase
  to use Aira. It's all included as part of the package.
  The current pricing structure looks like this:
  .    Basic Plan. 100 regular minutes a month for $89.
  .    Plus Plan. 200 regular minutes a month for $129.
  .    Pro Plan. 400 regular minutes a month for $199.
  .    Premium Plan. Unlimited regular minutes a month for $329.
  I believe it is possible to get further discounts on the Pro plan if you pay
  a year, or even several years, in advance.
  If you run out of minutes, you can purchase additional ones.
  You can cancel or upgrade your plan at any time.
  Whenever a company provides a service directly to the blind community, there
  are always people who will express concern about cost. Unfortunately, the
  economic reality is that the cost of research and development, as well as
  the overheads involved in running a business, must be spread across a
  smaller group of people when providing a service to our community. This
  equation is made more difficult because so many people in our community are
  unemployed and living hand to mouth. Sure, for some people, Aira will be
  worth sacrificing a few daily cups of premium coffee for, but it's not that
  easy for everyone.
  Some people question whether the service is worth the cost given that there
  is a free service, Be My Eyes, which connects you with sighted volunteers.
  Be My Eyes is a useful service, and I don't seek to denigrate it at all. I
  am signed up with it, have supported it since before it went live, and I use
  it from time to time. But Be My Eyes relies on volunteers. Some people are
  so keen to assist a blind person that they answer a call when they may have
  been better letting it go. Others simply don't explain things clearly
  enough. And yes, there are some who are outstanding. But I equate using Be
  My Eyes with asking a stranger for directions in the street. Sometimes you
  will get somebody who couldn't be more helpful. At other times you will get
  somebody who doesn't know their right from their left, or just isn't
  observant about the world around them.
  With Aira, the agents have been trained extensively, plus they have tools
  that help pinpoint your location and provide other data. There's also a
  guarantee of privacy with Aira.
  I know of people who've used Aira to help them sign employment contracts,
  complete tax returns and more.
  So, in my view, there is no question that Aira will revolutionise the lives
  of many blind people if they can afford to access it. This raises important
  public policy questions. Many agencies serving blind people will provide
  funding for sighted assistance to be available on-location at specific
  times. Perhaps such agencies fund several hours of assistance each week in
  the workplace. Other agencies may fund a human reader to visit a blind
  person's home. Aira gives you access to sighted assistance on demand, at
  your convenience, not at the convenience of the sighted person. This is
  important because some tasks may only take a couple of minutes, but they can
  be show stoppers on the job until we can get that assistance. In a work
  environment, sighted assistance on-demand through Aira has the potential to
  improve a blind person's productivity.
  There's also the social investment argument. If a much wider range of blind
  people can feel comfortable about travelling in unfamiliar areas, government
  investment in Aira could pay dividends by improving employability.
  Looking to the future
  Most blind people become blind later in life. And most of those people don't
  have smart phones. This group is often forgotten, so it's encouraging to see
  that Aira has been giving them considerable thought. The coming generation
  of seniors will be more assertive and tech savvy. They will have had
  experience of technology in the workplace, and they are willing to spend
  money to ameliorate the consequences of their age-related disability.
  However, they may decide that coming to terms with the blindness specific
  touchscreen paradigm is just too difficult. Certainly, that's the case now.
  Yet I think many seniors would love to have access to Aira. If they can have
  an agent assist them to read the newspaper in the morning, describe pictures
  of the grandchildren or go through their mail, that's something many would
  gladly pay for.
  The market for Aira's services is going to increase significantly with the
  introduction of their new Horizon technology. Currently, to use Aira, you
  need at least two things - a smart phone, and the glasses, both of which
  need to be charged. If you want to use it without eating into your data
  plan, you'll need to carry the AT&T MiFi device around with you. That also
  needs to be charged separately. That's three things in total that need to be
  Within the next few months, Aira is promising to simplify their offering
  significantly. They've taken a Samsung Android device, which includes a
  physical home button, and developed their own firmware for it. This device
  is not designed to be used as a cell phone. Rather than requiring a MiFi,
  the data SIM will be in this device. The new Horizon glasses, which are much
  more fashionable and elegant looking, are tethered to this device with an
  unobtrusive-looking cable. The field of view is much improved, as is the
  video quality. That means less need to keep turning one's head at the
  instruction of the Aira agent. With the glasses getting their power from the
  Horizon device, battery life is massively improved.
  This all means that someone who doesn't have a smart phone will fire up the
  Horizon device, double tap the button, and talk to an agent. Smart phone
  users will retain the option to control their Aira experience via the app
  they're used to.
  This configuration also reduces latency and any potential for video
  degradation. There will no longer be a wireless hop that the video needs to
  take between the glasses and the device transmitting the video to an Aira
  Clearly, considerable thought and capital investment has gone into the next
  generation of the service. This demonstrates that Aira is continuing to
  innovate and thinking about broadening its base.
  Over time, artificial intelligence will become smarter, and will be able to
  do more of the things that human agents are doing for Aira explorers now.
  It's therefore sensible forward planning that Aira has begun work on their
  own artificial intelligence engine they are calling Chloe. Initially, Chloe
  will offer optical character recognition, and perform functions relating to
  the operation and configuration of the Horizon device. I imagine that over
  time, Chloe will become more capable. That will increase efficiency for the
  explorer and reduce overheads for the company.
  Concluding thoughts
  Aira's evolution is an exemplary case study of how to tap into a niche
  market and create a new, innovative product. Of course, it's not perfect,
  but what is? Sometimes, you can lose cellular coverage when you really need
  it, causing the connection with the agent to drop. There's nothing Aira can
  do about that other than ensuring they're using hardware that maximises the
  cellular signal, and to have a robust protocol in place for seeking to
  re-establish the connection. But all in all, the service is fantastic.
  There've been a few phases of Aira adoption for me. The first was hearing
  about it and understanding intellectually that it was a clever idea. The
  second was the strong, powerful, emotional realisation that this could
  really change my life. The third is the dawning realisation that I'm not
  imposing on anybody anymore. Many of us can relate to having sighted family
  members or friends who we turn to when we need a pair of working eyes, and
  we hope we are not overdoing it. When I first started using Aira, I had a
  twinge of reluctance about making calls, wondering if someone might need the
  help of the agent more than me. Then, one day, it really dawned on me. The
  people at Aira want me to make the call. After all, if I use up all my
  minutes, I might buy more. So, when I make a call to Aira, I'm not
  inconveniencing anybody, I'm strengthening their bottom line. How wonderful
  it is to call on sighted help without feeling like I might be a burden.
  If you'd like to try Aira
  Due to the exchange rate between the United States and New Zealand,
  unfortunately Aira is a little more expensive here than it is in the United
  States. Bonnie and I are presently using the Plus plan, at $129 USD a month,
  which equates to $179 NZD. When the novelty wears off a little, it will be
  interesting to see if we need the 200 minutes.
  So, if you would like to give Aira a try, I'd appreciate it if you'd sign up
  using our referral link. The referral program means that the person being
  referred, and the person who did the referring, each gets a free month.
  Pretty good marketing. To take Aira for a spin, activate my referral link. I
  hope it makes as much of a difference to you as it has to Bonnie and me.
  Are you an Aira explorer? What do you think of the service, and what are
  some of the ways you're using it? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

  Original Article at:

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  “The secret is not to make your music louder, but to make the world quieter.” 

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