I received one for Christmas and have a lot of questions about the app.  If 
anyone who has one and has figured the app out, even a little bit,  could 
contact me off  list, we can share information without cluttering the list. 

The good news is I was able to connect the pot to our WIFI network very easily; 
the problems are in pulling up recipes.Here are some of my questions.

1. The app for the Bluetooth enabled pot has a Dashboard that can be used to 
configure the pot from the app. How does one control this pot from the app?

2. I see the buttons for categories of recipes but get  inconsistent results 
when I do a One-finger double tap.  On some, such as Meats and Poultry, nothing 
happens; I remain in the same screen I was in before double tapping. With 
Desserts, I get a list of desserts, at least sometimes. If I have been in the 
app for a while, tapping and backing out of screens, I have to close and reopen 
the app to get the buttons to work. 

3. Finally, I am having trouble finding an entire recipe. I find screens with 
what are called “main ingredients” but cannot always find the complete list of 
ingredients or the instructions.  What am I doing wrong?

Sandy Finley

Sent from my iPhone

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